Letter From the Board

By Luc Jasmin III The Black Lens

My name is Luc Jasmin III, and nearly two decades ago, I left Boston, Massachusetts, for Spokane, Washington. The move was met with concern from my East Coast friends, especially due to Idaho’s troubling reputation towards people of color. I remember prayers during church services, which left me questioning whether Spokane was the right place for me, given its history of intolerance.

Upon my arrival, I was struck by the “polite” culture here. Back East, racism was overt; here, it was subtle and insidious. In my early days, I struggled in workplaces where I was often the only person of color, becoming familiar with being gaslighted amidst microaggressions, without a guide to understand what was happening. This culture made it hard to discern why I was being marginalized, and I felt profoundly out of place.

However, as time passed, I began to connect with other people of color. Individuals like Tommy Williams, Sandy Williams and Betsy Wilkerson extended a welcoming hand, reassured me of my place in the community, and reminded me that there were others like me who could offer support and safety. This recognition allowed me to be myself, even as a 6-foot-7, 300-pound man who stands out.

The more I connected with others, the more I discovered incredible Black individuals and allies within our community who were unafraid to call out injustices and support one another. These relationships have provided me with a sense of affirmation and acknowledgment that my experiences are real.

Today, as a father of two Black daughters in Spokane, I am deeply invested in ensuring that our youth and young professionals feel that they belong, are safe, and are seen. This is why I am involved with the Black Lens, a vital platform where our community can make our presence known and validate one another’s experiences.

In my role as the Eastern and Central Washington Outreach Representative for the Governor’s Office, I am committed to supporting not just Spokane but the entire state. My journey has been filled with challenges, but also with growth and community-building. Together, I believe we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all.

See you around,

Luc Jasmin III