Crown Ministries to host Powerful prayer breakfast on March 15

From Black Lens staff reports

First Lady of Bethel A.M.E., Debbie Watson, understands the power of prayer and the strength in unity. This belief is the driving force behind an upcoming Prayer Breakfast hosted by Crown Ministries on March 15.

Emphasizing the urgency of faith in today’s challenging times, Watson reminds us that adversity is running rampant in our communities, cities, and nation. Her exhortation: stay consistent and do not be distracted by chaos. She hopes to reinforce the message that we are stronger together–this is a prayer breakfast for everyone.

“As believers, we must turn to the Word,” she reflects. Now, more than ever, we need each other, she shares. Watson acknowledges the confusion, anxiety, and frustration that many are feeling, but she also reminds us that how we respond to fear determines our strength. Faith has no fear – steadfastness and resilience are embedded in our collective history. This prayer breakfast is a response to the angst we feel when confronted with current events. The solution? Move as one and refuse to go in circles.

The following spiritual leaders will serve as Prayer Warriors: Pastor Tommie Whitman of Mount Zion Holiness Church, Pastor Patrick Hamm of Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church, Prophetess Judy Brazell of Bethel A.M.E., Missionary Faith Washington of Holy Temple Church of God in Christ, and Kay Mack, also of Holy Temple Church of God in Christ. The theme of the prayer breakfast is “One Nation Under God” following Psalm 33:12.

Space is limited, and registration is highly encouraged. Please refer to the event flyer for further details. Join us as we come together in faith, standing firm in prayer and unity. We are stronger together!