Breathe in. Breathe out. Begin.
This article feels clunky to write. Though you’re receiving this at the top of March, I’m writing it in the middle of February. What a difference those two moments in time will have. As I take breaks between every few words to stare out the window onto a fresh blanket of stark white snow, I feel more in a space of listening than of speaking. More in a state of rest than action. The weight of the heavy, wet snow and the way it swallows the hum of ambient noise makes my body feel slouchy, soft, and in want of sleep and warmth. I am in my season of reflecting, absorbing, grieving, honoring the quantity of sunlight that exists, and the expendable energy available to be shared. As I push against the pressure to produce at all moments of the year, I am reminded by the Earth that this season is vital. In an effort to honor the rhythms of the seasons within and around us, I can’t offer you insights for the month of march as I rest deeply in February. My roots and bulbs hibernate beneath the surface for when spring has sprung, I’ll be ready – rested, renewed and vibrant. Let us remember – the clarity is in the rest. The power is in the rest. The love is in the rest.
The resistance is in the rest.
In harmony with the seasons, I want to offer opportunities to bloom throughout March and highlight a few of the amazing organizations creating space for it that I get to collaborate with. It is in our partnerships that we can hold the work, through all the seasons, together.
Jasmine Linane-Booey is a Somatic Energy Guide. She holds two certificates in Reiki and over 10 years experience as a certified yoga and meditation guide, a certification as a Somatic Energy Practitioner and is a trained Psilocybin guide.